Delete (or Archive) Teams
Shin Kim
Vijay Pradeep Disabling but not hiding the feature is a great suggestion and it aligns with what we've been doing in other areas of the app.
Changing the status of this request to planned!
Shin Kim
Vijay Pradeep
Thanks Shin! That suggestion worked.
But, based on that experience, I'd like to make an adjacent suggestion to make the whole process more intuitive:
The team settings menu should always have a 'Delete Team' option. If there are other team members, then the 'Delete Team' option could be disabled or greyed-out with a little warning or a tooltip that gives the explanation that you gave me below.
(I'm happy to consider this feature request 'closed' and make a new one, if that's better from an organizational perspective)
Shin Kim
Vijay Pradeep thanks for the feedback!
There is actually a way to delete a team in the Dashbaord > Team Switcher > Team Settings menu. "Delete Team" will only be visible as an option if you are the only remaining team member. You can remove team members from the "Invite Team Members" menu.
Does that achieve what you were looking for?